Cheval Liberte Maxi4 Herringbone Horse Trailer

A herringbone partitioned three horse or four pony trailer, with its own spacious tack room and three telescopic adjustable partitions on sliding tracks.
It comes with the Pullman Suspension System for superb handling and towing. A one-piece polyester roof and aerodynamic nose cone.
Price: £14,200 + Vat
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We also stock Cheval Liberte Touring One single horse trailer, double horse trailers, the Touring Country, Touring Country With Saddle Room and a herringbone trailer called the Maxi2 .
If you require an even larger horse trailer we stock the Cheval Maxi3 horse trailer, which is a two-horse or three-pony trailer, which has a spacious tack room and two telescopic adjustable partitions on sliding tracks.
Need a horse trailer to carry your carriage? then look no further than the brilliant Cheval Liberte Hippomobile Carriage Trailer
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